AGM Minutes 2023
3rd October 2023
Venue: OPS Prep Playground Marquee
Attendees: Caroline Collins CC (Chair), Sarah Leach SL, Eleni Veli-Richards EVR, Sarah Campbell SC,
Kate Hampson KH, Kay Templeton KT, Stefania Braccini SB, Kerry Langlois KL, Paul Giannechini PG, Lorrette Otubushin LO, Shalini Nilaweera SN
Apologies: Paula O’Donnell, Yael Gerson, Vicky Freestone
1. Welcome
CC welcomed everyone and outlined the agenda.
2.Introduction to OAFs
CC explained that OAFs broadly has two aims:
To fundraise for projects and equipment for the children at Oakfield
To bring families and staff at the school together
CC explained that we raise money to fund the ‘extras’ that the school and trust do not provide. She explained how OAFs endeavour to supply a variety of experiences throughout the year to appeal to all and that we were able to run our full repertoire of events with added events including the Christmas Tree Sale. These were well supported by children, parents and staff.
CC thanked the OAFs committee and all the volunteers that helped with the school events. She thanked the school, Mrs Thompson and all the teachers and staff for all their support, especially the facilities team led by Gregg Murray.
3.New Committee Members
CC welcomed a number of new members to OAFs this year (2022/2023): Paul Giannecchini, Antonia Sleater, Kate Hampson, Stefania Braccini, Paula O’Donnell and Kerry Langlois. It was also noted that two members have now left the school (Stephanie Atkins and Caroline Brown).
Highlights of 2022/23
CC discussed the fundraising events that took place in 2022/23:
Santa Fun Run
Oakfield Under the stars
Cake bakes
Quiz Night
Music Night
Summer Fair
Second hand Uniform Sales
Christmas Tree Sale
4. Financial Statement
CC gave an overview of the financial summary (attached). The closing balance in the account as of July 2023 was £27,888. The following points were noted:
The income from the summer fair was particularly good this year and CC recognised the generous donation of profits from the plant sales of over £1000 by Ruth Campbell.
CC thanked Susie Cooper for running the Leeds half marathon in aid of OAFs, raising over £545.
Amazon Smile is no longer available so Easy Fundraising will be further promoted to the school community, as an easy and accessible method of raising funds.
The Year 6 production bar was a good fundraiser for OAFs and will be continued next year. CC also noted the generous contribution from the previous Year 6 children, who asked for some of the funds raised for their Year 6 party to go towards the current Year 6 production.
The invoice for the minibus lease has now been paid and will be visible in the next financial report. CC explained that subscriptions have now been raised but these may still fall short of the amount required for the minibus lease due to lower numbers of families at the school. Therefore, she suggested she would discuss with Mrs Thompson options for school covering the potential shortfall.
5. Projects funded in 2022/23
CC gave an overview of the projects and items funded in 2022/23 which included:
School minibus which is used to transport the children to sports fixtures and other excursions
Year 6 Leavers party – In line with previous years, a contribution of £15 per pupil was contributed by OAFs
The ‘Big Green Up’ of the Prep Playground (Phase 1)
Classroom air purifying plants
iPads for the sports department
Partial funding of the Humanities Historical timeline in the Prep playground
6. Planned Events for Coming Year 2022/2023
The following events have been planned for the coming year:
Oakfield Family Fun Day
Second hand uniform sale
Yr 3 Cake Bake
Cauliflower Cards
OAFS Coffee Social
Yr1 Cake Bake
Possible new event TBC
OAFS Coffee Social
Yr4 Cake Bake
Santa Fun Run
Christmas Tree Sale Event
UF Cake bake
OAFs Coffee Social
Second hand uniform sale (Winter only)
Yr 5 Cake bake
UF & Year 1 Story 4 Bedtime
OAFS Coffee Social
Quiz Night
Yr2 Cake Bake
Year 2 & 3 Film Night
OAFs Coffee Social
Nursery & LF Cake Bake
New Event TBA- Nursery and LF
Second Hand Uniform Sale
Music Night
OAFs Coffee Social
Year 4 & 5 Silent Disco
Summer Fair
Year 6 Cake bake
OAFs Coffee Social
Second hand uniform sale – New Parent only
CC noted that the new Oakfield Family Fun Day last month had been a success with very positive feedback from families and a great fundraiser.
Further points were raised about upcoming events:
Possible new event in November- CC suggested the possibility of a bingo or comedy night, although possibly too close to the Santa Run. KH raised the issue of the current prep hall being out of action and the marquee being too cold to host an event with potential catering difficulties. CC to discuss the hall situation with Mrs Thompson before any additional events planned.
CC raised the issue of the Santa Run costumes not being recyclable and needing to be thrown away as they are generally single-use only. In an attempt to make this event more sustainable it was suggested that runners wear Santa hats only, which would bring the ticket price down slightly. EVR suggested that cakes for this event could be donated by parents and collected on the Friday. Also discuss the possibility of carol singing at this event with Mr Howes,
CC announced that there will be a Santa at the Christmas Tree Sale this year with a Christmas Grotto. The date will be closer to the end of term as last year was possibly too early for people to be buying a tree and Saturday is a better day for collecting.
Mr Allen and Mr Howes have kindly offered to host the quiz night in March.
A new event, funded by OAFs, for the Nursery and Lower Foundation children to be decided on– this event will take place in April.
KT suggested splitting the Year 4 and 5 silent disco over 2 days as both year groups have 3 classes, therefore headphone hire cost will be the same.
Summer Fair
CC stated that no uniform will be sold at the summer fair this year as it has not sold well and takes a huge amount of effort to set up and pack away. Also, the photobooth will be replaced with an alternative stall and organisers will be more specific with stall holders about what they can/will be bringing. Tokens will be advertised better next year and organisers to ensure that Bensons rides accept them.
Feedback that workshops were too expensive last year- organisers to look at this when planning next year.
KT suggested a possible beer van for next year
KH suggested a bubble artist (possibly the same one that attended the Clean
Air Carnival) o CC to find Estate Agent sponsor - ? Daisy Lettings or Oaks Estate Agents o New date to allow for more time to prepare after half term o CC said that Antonia Sleater has kindly offered to create a new banner for the summer fair which can be re-used every year.
• EVR passed on suggestion from staff that gift/bottle bags kindly given with teacher presents could be re-used and recycled – these could possibly be used for the bottle pull
Refurbishment of hall stage -CC called for volunteers to form a team during half term to help refurbish the hall stage (sanding, filling and repainting with rubberised black paint).
Storage o CC explained that clearing out the loft and storing of OAFs equipment and items in the old second-hand uniform cupboard has been beneficial from an access point of view. Under hall cupboard remains a space to store current stock.
SB suggested sorting of the fancy dress items as they could potentially be used for school productions and/or dress up days.
PG remarked that a general clear out and de-clutter of the school would improve the appearance, particularly to prospective families. CC suggested that this could be proposed as an OAFs clean up day, possibly in November and she will discuss this with Mrs Thompson.
CC suggested purchasing music lockers.
Further playground equipment to be considered once the current items have been sorted and cleared.
• Communication
KL offered to look at website and improve the appearance and functionality. o PG suggested asking Simon to add photos from OAFs events to Oakfield Prep Instagram page as this will reach a wider audience.
• Funding Projects
CC to discuss further plans for Phase Two of the Big Prep Green Up playground project with Mrs Thompson
8.Meeting closed
CC thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.